Sunday, March 21, 2010

Money, Money, Money

What do most couples fight about? Money, money and sometimes I think they fight about money. Even when 2 people have the same goals, same effort, same approach to money there can still be a money flare up every now and again. Pete and I and our money have been married almost 15 years. When I type that number I have to stop to recount because I can't believe I have been married that long. We have changed, along with our money, so much during those years and I imagine we will ALL continue to change as more years pass us by.
Of the changes we have made together the two I am most proud of are our growth in our Catholic faith and our maturity with our money. As with most marriages money has been a love/hate issue and an issue that never goes away. I remember when we got married in 1996 and Pete immediately deployed with the Coast Guard for 6 months leaving me in Alameda California with a broken down Toyota and a debit card with my name on it. Two things I did not know what to do with. First thing I did was learn how to spend his money!!
This story is far from over...I have a lot more to write on the topic of money. But right now my time is up and I have to go back to my other job...I will be back soon for another installment of Melnick Money Matters...I am sure you are dying to know what goes on in the register of a Coast Guard couple. Trust me , I am dying to tell you!
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