Thursday, June 3, 2010

Trying Out New Things...

new spring 055

And NOTHING is working right.  I am needing some major help with changing this blog.  I am writing to you at 11:00 at night.  I am NEVER up this late.  But I have been playing around on this blog....driving myself crazy because I know NOTHING about HTML.

I want to change my header to include a picture I have taken..with some NEW CUTE title I have thought up for this blog....but as I already said I KNOW NOTHING...

Help Me SOMEONE!!  If anyone knows some tips or tricks on changing your blog name..or anything helpful please send info my way.
Sorry for the lame post!!


  1. i'm a novice here too but i'm willing to help where i can.

    feel free to email me with your concerns/request.

    pax Christi - lena
    joyfilledfamily at blogspot dot com

  2. To change your header, you just go to your dashboard (or click "design" on the top right. Then click "edit" on the top box that says header. Remove your picture and upload a new one from your computer. I always save the pic to my documens first, then upload from there. Click "save" and you are done!

  3. You can change your blog name easily. Just type in a new name when you do your picture change for your header. Your blog address will stay the same as your original choice, though.

    There, wasn't that easy?
