Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome To My New Named Blog

shutter fun2 042, originally uploaded by LittleHouseThatGrew.

I am so excited to have you visiting me at my new home..same stories...different address

Trying Out New Things...

new spring 055

And NOTHING is working right.  I am needing some major help with changing this blog.  I am writing to you at 11:00 at night.  I am NEVER up this late.  But I have been playing around on this blog....driving myself crazy because I know NOTHING about HTML.

I want to change my header to include a picture I have taken..with some NEW CUTE title I have thought up for this blog....but as I already said I KNOW NOTHING...

Help Me SOMEONE!!  If anyone knows some tips or tricks on changing your blog name..or anything helpful please send info my way.
Sorry for the lame post!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Poor Pete

It happened the other night. One of those nights that all was right with the were fed and happily playing, Pete and I were finishing the dishes (yes that's right I realize the beauty in Pete helping me with dishes..thanks Pete), and we started chit chatting as we worked side by side. And then it happened....

Pete asked me a question that sent me into a tail spin. And before the question was out of his mouth I think he saw where this might go.

He innocently asked me, "Hey Hun, when the kids are all done with school what type of job do you think you might want to get?" I just heard some of you flinch as you read that question. Maybe not..maybe I am the only wife who reads way to much into EVERYTHING he says to me.

My first few thought were, "Does he not think what I do is work?" "Does he want me to start earning my keep?" "Does he think I should really get some work done after bummin' around for 28 years raising kids?"

I immediately began to break down just how many years it would take for me to finish this job we started and by then where would my life be?? I am hoping to be a mom for the rest of my life. I am looking forward to the grand promotion of becoming the Grammy...but I am in no rush there either.

All I could say was, "Why Pete what job DO YOU THINK I should DO??"

And this poor sweet guy who was just about to put away the last dish looked helplessly at me and tried to step carefully over the next verbal exchange, "No, I was just wondering if you ever thought about what you were going to do after the kids were out of the house and if those thoughts ever included starting a new job or something. That's all!"
Oh, why didn't you just say so...there are 4 million things I want to do and I think about them A LOT and sometimes I can't stop thinking about what else I would like to do in my life...but for now I am here and trying to do a good job because I know that once this job is over nobody will ever need me this much again.

p.s. I am sure we must be the only ones who have conversations that go like this...yes??

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

10 Things I Love

#1  I love homemade pesto sauce
#2 I love moving time..all the adventure
#3  I love learning something new on my camera that really makes a difference

#4 I love sourdough bread A LOT!!
#5 I love running 5 miles in the morning and then going to McDonalds for lunch (???)
#6  I love painting my girls toes
#7 I love a lot of sugar and cream in my Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee

#8 I love Gone With The Wind
#9  I love white dinnerware
#10 I love having 1 million things I hope to accomplish some day

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Why Do Girls Do This??

We have this neighbor girl down the street.  She is a sweet girl when she is over here, playful, respectful.  Any time this little girl sees our car she is over here within moments.  She stays ALL day, sometimes eating 2 out of 3 meals with us.  Every night I am saying NO to sleepovers.  This little girl is NOT homeschooled.  She goes to the local Catholic School right in our neighborhood.  We are surrounded by little catholic school kids.  My kids have met them all through the last 3 years.

But this is what I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!!.....Whenever we go somewhere and our little neighbor friend is there...she COMPLETELY IGNORES the girls!!!  Why??  I realize her other friends are there, but why not include Emily and Molly.  Why not just recognize that a kid is a kid is a kid?

This may sound of the things I LOVE about homeschooling and would not trade for the world is kids don't see kids as anything but playmates.  They will make friends with all kids in all situations!  They don't care if they are 8,4, 10, 15....a kid is someone to have fun with PERIOD!!!!

This is not to say that the girls in the homeschool groups don't try to play at the whole "click" thing, some do.
But usually the mothers are aware of such NONSENSE and help the girls see how MEAN such behavior is!!

Are school moms just mean too???  NO, absolutely not.  They are just usually unaware because they are not there when there kids are getting the all important school "SOCIALIZATION" know the kind of socialization that has kids leaving kids out because they are in a different grade, or they don't have the same clothes as someone else, or they are not as popular as they would like them to be.

I know we are different.  We were not born and raised here.  Our neighbor friend will be a distant memory in 11 short months when we leave Mobile.  I know she has to spend 8 hours a day with these other girls so she has to work at staying essential to the group or she will be the one on the outs.  I just wish my girls, and other girls, were not hurt by such silly nonsense!  I wish I were not hurt by it myself. 

And I make it a point to ALWAYS remind the girls that they are each others best friend.  No friend is more important than your sisters and brother.  It is a great hope of mine that they grow up with that gift...the gift of true friendship within this family!
Happy Memorial Day!!
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

School Is Not Out For Us!!

I was tricked into thinking summer had begun for our family.  As May was flying by I joyfully checked off my daily lesson plans knowing the end was near.  Towards the end of May I had the girls finish up some end of the year testing.  Finally  we went to our final piano recital and the Spring dance showcase.  I must admit to spending some time clicking around I-Tunes searching for the appropriate "Summer Is Finally Here" music.

And then Pete returned from his extended trip and my summer quickly ENDED!! You see,  he is in his last summer of Grad school!  Yes, Pete is the student, he is the guy writing the papers, sitting in class, reading endlessly.  But when Pete goes to school WE ALL ARE PART OF IT!! 

He has 2 classes left, one more this summer and his capstone project in the fall.  He usually only has class once a week, but during the summer classes meet 2 times a week.  Pete, being the daddy that he is, still wants to see the kids (and me too...I hope) after work.  So, we usually meet him somewhere after he gets off work, bring him dinner, play and kiss him goodbye.  He always has a hard time waving good bye to us and heading to class to sit for 4 hours after a full day of flying!!

I am so proud of him.  It has taken a lot of his time and energy and I know it will pay off some day.  Meanwhile he will keep plugging away until he graduates this winter when we will have a huge party to celebrate his commitment and accomplishment.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Her Face..An Open Book

Emily is so much like me...she notices EVERYTHING!! I am a little less observant while I have my camera in my hand. But later when I am looking through the pictures I can see things that I missed the first time around.
This particular picture was taken Saturday night after the girls finished their dance recital. All the girls were gathering with their families, smelling their flowers and hugging fellow dancers.  But Emily was far off in her own world.  This was not the reaction of a girl who was walking on clouds all day in expectant rapture, awaiting her special recital night to begin.

I did notice her looking off and I asked her, "Emily...what's up?"  She looks at me and says..."Mama, Morgans family is not here...she is all alone."  She was so devastated for her.  My heart was broken too.  It was hard to rejoice when you know someone else is hurting.  Nonetheless, I was so proud of my girl for her compassion. 

In this picture her face is screaming..."Please stop taking my picture mama!!"  Sorry sweety!!

I usually can't take my eyes off of them.  Each of them are so expressive in their own way.  Emily just happens to be a bit more of an open book. She has a hard time keeping things in...her feelings are usually written all over her face.
Being the oldest is a hard job.  I am usually looking to her as a guide to how I am doing so far.  Is she happy?  Is she kind?  Does she pray, eat, play, read (insert whatever else us moms stress about) enough?  What more can I do??

Recently my friend and I were talking about dating...not us dating....our daughters.  And I already want to issue an apology to this sweet daughter of mine because I know things will be , let's just say...haphazard for awhile.  The first born is more of an experimental child. I'm glad I have 3 more daughters after her so I can try an improve. you see I am counting on the fact that she is an open book ...I just have to be observant enough to read her!!
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