Monday, May 31, 2010

Why Do Girls Do This??

We have this neighbor girl down the street.  She is a sweet girl when she is over here, playful, respectful.  Any time this little girl sees our car she is over here within moments.  She stays ALL day, sometimes eating 2 out of 3 meals with us.  Every night I am saying NO to sleepovers.  This little girl is NOT homeschooled.  She goes to the local Catholic School right in our neighborhood.  We are surrounded by little catholic school kids.  My kids have met them all through the last 3 years.

But this is what I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!!.....Whenever we go somewhere and our little neighbor friend is there...she COMPLETELY IGNORES the girls!!!  Why??  I realize her other friends are there, but why not include Emily and Molly.  Why not just recognize that a kid is a kid is a kid?

This may sound of the things I LOVE about homeschooling and would not trade for the world is kids don't see kids as anything but playmates.  They will make friends with all kids in all situations!  They don't care if they are 8,4, 10, 15....a kid is someone to have fun with PERIOD!!!!

This is not to say that the girls in the homeschool groups don't try to play at the whole "click" thing, some do.
But usually the mothers are aware of such NONSENSE and help the girls see how MEAN such behavior is!!

Are school moms just mean too???  NO, absolutely not.  They are just usually unaware because they are not there when there kids are getting the all important school "SOCIALIZATION" know the kind of socialization that has kids leaving kids out because they are in a different grade, or they don't have the same clothes as someone else, or they are not as popular as they would like them to be.

I know we are different.  We were not born and raised here.  Our neighbor friend will be a distant memory in 11 short months when we leave Mobile.  I know she has to spend 8 hours a day with these other girls so she has to work at staying essential to the group or she will be the one on the outs.  I just wish my girls, and other girls, were not hurt by such silly nonsense!  I wish I were not hurt by it myself. 

And I make it a point to ALWAYS remind the girls that they are each others best friend.  No friend is more important than your sisters and brother.  It is a great hope of mine that they grow up with that gift...the gift of true friendship within this family!
Happy Memorial Day!!
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  1. "And I make it a point to ALWAYS remind the girls that they are each others best friend. No friend is more important than your sisters and brother. It is a great hope of mine that they grow up with that gift...the gift of true friendship within this family!"

    They will, Lisa. I guarantee it. Homeschooling is such a great gift. I think the greatest part of it is the "forcing" of the sibling bond.

    Don't let this girl's behavior hurt. Girls act that way because they have some unmet need but it has nothing to do with your girls. It must be a mystery to them because they don't have that same need. Just pray for her and welcome her, but I would probably set some visitation limits. One meal occasionally, ok. Two in day? No, thank you.


  2. Life skills are taught at home verbally and by example. Relying on an outside source for something this important is never good. I always think when girls come over, especially some mean spirited girls or girls who lack attention, that they need to be around our family. God sends them for a purpose. I'm sure through your example this young lady will eventually learn some important life skills. Our neighborhood is filled with both home schooled and Catholic schooled children and it's difficult to tell the difference. We're very fortunate. I agree with Kathy. As always, prayer is the answer.
