Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Interrupt This Program

I am interrupting the regular scheduled blog to get back to my day to day life. It is Pete’s turn to write the next chapter for our Financial Love Story. But in usual fashion life has gotten in the way of fun blog posts…go figure!
We all had a great Easter. My brother and his family came to visit and every minute was packed with fun and children. I have to sort through all the pics before I share some of those moments.

I just wanted to make a simple observation. It is so simple and silly I think I may delete the post before publishing. You see, today a friend has my 2 older girls. That left me with 2 toddlers and a walking baby. I am usually with all 5 so having 2 less always feels so different, so EASY!! I know it should seem harder with the 3 little ones but this is what I notice. When it is just 1 age group I have an easier time managing them. The tricky part comes with managing 2 different age groups.

When I have just the girls and no babies things are REALLY FUN and EASY!! Having just the little people also seems REALLY FUN and EASY. I can sit at the indoor play area of Chic-Fil-A and occasionally kiss a boo-boo or watch someone go down the slide. CAKE WALK!!

Now you add the girls to that same scene and it turns into some mental work…

“Mama, can we have a milkshake?” “Mama, remember we needed to go to Barnes and Noble to get me my 3000th book.” “Mama did Mrs. So and So call to say if Rebecca can come over? Can we just go pick her up on the way home?” “What’s for dinner?” “What do you think sharks think about?” “Mama, can I have a milkshake now?”

These little guys are so much fun though. They don’t know what they are missing. They don’t ask for a milkshake. They don’t ask what’s for dinner.

They just want you to be there and not miss a minute of them laughing and falling.

I have fun with both age groups. It’s just nice to get a day every now and again to be a mom to just little kids. They really are so much fun!!

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