Sunday, February 14, 2010

Where Have I Been?

I have lots to blog about to catch you all up on what has happened since last week and my small meltdown. I would like to start by saying I wish all meltdown weeks ended with a Mardi Gras Ball escorted by a handsome Coast Guard officer, wouldn't life be grand?
I would like to report that we danced the night away and had one romantic occasion after another, but that would be another persons
night, not mine. As previously reported here on Catholic Mommy 2 Five, Pete was in charge of the Military Mardi Gras Ball this year, a small affair with 500 guests, a band, DJ, formal dinner and a full Military Program. He basically planned a large scale wedding with no bride as his guide. Nevertheless, we had a blast "working" the party all night. I loved every minute of it . I love rushing about putting out fires and making small talk (wait a second, did I just say that??? that is what I do all day EVERYDAY...interesting).
What I really love is standing next to this guy. He is such a good date and I love him to pieces. He can take me to a ball any day!

And I have to say this whole weekend was brought to us by Pete's Mom and Grandma. They came to stay with the kids so Pete and I could stay the night at the hotel where the ball was. We have not been away for the night in 7 years. I have woken up every night for 7 years for some reason or another.

So, thanks Mom

And thanks GG

By about 5:30, right in time for us to get to Mass, the kids were FINALLY coming down from their sugar highs.

And an extra thanks to Mom and GG for giving the kids some yummy sweet Valentine prizes.  You saved us BIG TIME!
And a final thanks to you mom for giving me my sweet Valentine, your son!  The love you gave him as his mom made him who he is today.  I get to celebrate Valentines Day with him everyday!!
Love You!
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  1. Hey Lisa! Nothing to get you out of a funk like some handsome men in uniform! Glad you had such a great night. I would love to catch up, but don't have a number for you. Have you heard if you are going to be moving this summer? We would love for you all to be closer!

  2. Hey Holli!! So exciting to get a comment from you. We are NOT moving this summer. We are here for another year. We just found out last week. After this who knows!!!
    I will e-mail you my #
