Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm So In Love

When it comes to this baby, I am SO in love! I love all my babies, even when they are 2, but this baby has us all wrapped around her adorable sticky finger.

Pete and I will often times argue over who gets to hold her. She is so sweet you could eat her with a spoon!

Is she so sweet because she has amazing God parents who pray for her daily?

Or is it because we have done this a few times now and we realize that someday she will not be crawling on our floor, looking so small, needing so much. Maybe we are finally understanding the statement, "Enjoy it while it lasts." Then again, some people are just easier to enjoy.
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1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth came in fourth place last year and was a little bummed to come so close but no cigar! Prescilla is cute but then all your kids are. Glad you are taking pics of them so you can remember when they were such cute little babes. My Elizabeth is turning into this beautiful girl and it feels like yesterday when I was having to hold her hand and explain everything to her. Now, she is explaining things to me! Last night, for the first time in a long time, I held her on the sofa and cuddled with her.
