Friday, May 21, 2010

I Love You Kimberly Powers

I love getting comments on my blog. I look forward to checking comments every morning. A few short mornings ago I got the BEST comment EVER from Kimberly....a long time Coastie Friend from San Diego and Alaska. She asked me a photography question. I was so excited that I beamed for several hours (maybe days??). I wanted to answer some of her questions....just in case any of you get as excited when reading my comments.

#1 The back of all my kids heads is what I am usually able to capture.

#2 Priscilla is THE BEST at not letting me get a picture of her.

#3 I take 1 million shots that you will NEVER see because LOVE the delete feature.
#4 Molly is the most agreeable when it comes to letting me practice. But even she gets bored with it.

#5 So...what you mostly DON'T see on my blog is the 500,000 pictures I take of silly things, like my flip flops on the sand. I practice fooling with my settings on objects that:
#1 Don't get hungry
#2 Won't move or hit the person next to them
#3 Does not need to see every picture the SECOND I am done shooting it.

I have to admit that I am having a lot of fun watching my kids grow up in the pictures that I take. I want to get better and in a few years I hope to achieve that. Until then I will chase the backs of sandy haired babies and coax small boys to smile.
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  1. I love the practice on objects that don't, won't and do not. I'm right there with ya. As they get older, they too will cherish these pics. Nice.

  2. You're awesome, Lisa! What a relief to know that you don't always hit the perfect shot on the first try. You sure do get some good ones though! My philosophy is always, "the more pictures I take, the better chance of getting one I like." Of course, as Scott installs yet another external hard drive for our computer, he wishes I would become better friends with the delete button!

    Now you never did tell me what your favorite lens is.
