Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Guest Blog Book List

Some people are not lucky enough to have a sister.  I am one of those people (sniffle sniffle).  Don't feel to bad for me.  Since marrying Pete I have assumed myself into his family and from time to time borrow one of his cousins as my go-to-sister.  Aside from us talking into the wee-hours of the night (9:00 p.m.) about all things family, fun and Catholic she is a walking, talking book addict.  She reads more than I thought was possible for a mom of 4 little people (#5 on the way..). 

Anytime I need a good book I call on her...and then spend hours talking about all sorts of things, hang up and forget what she told me.  So, I asked her to write me a book list for this fun ol' blog of mine.  Magically between the dark and the daylight, a list showed up in my mailbox waiting to be shared with all of you.
Happy Reading!

Current Fiction I Recommend (not "all time favorites", just from the past few years)

-The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe

Modern day story intertwined with historical fiction during the Salem Witch Trials

-Pillars of the Earth and World Without End by Ken Follett

Two LONG books...900 or so pages each...perfect for the insomniac, vacation, or fast reader

Ahab's Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund

Fictional account of the wife of Ahab - the protagonist of Moby Dick. Uses real characters from the classic book but creates an entirely new character/story of his wife.

-The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo by Stiegg Larsson

Mystery set in Europe. Very well written and a page turner.

-Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall

(Non-fiction) A tear jerker and very inspiring story about two unlikely friends and changes they made in their lives and the life of their city.

-The Help by Kathryn Stockett 

Stories of women and their housekeepers in the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi. Once you are halfway through the book, you might need to stay up all night to finish it.

-All the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyer

I have never liked vampires, fantasy novels or teen fiction (except when I was a teenager) and I could not believe how addicting these 4 books were. Once you hit book 3 you cannot put them down.

-The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff

Historical fiction about Brigham Young's 19th wife along with a fictional account of a current member of a Mormon Fundamentalist compound. Fascinating!

-Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, and Mary, Queen of Scots by Margaret George

All three books are very long but historical fiction accounts that are very easy to read! Loved them all!

-A Respectable Trade by Philippa Gregory

Story takes place in England during the abolition of slavery. I enjoy almost all of her books/series, but especially this one since I had not read much on England's fight for abolition many years before Americas.

Books On My Wait List at the Library (Not sure if they are good...but I'll try them)

-Perfection by Julie Metz

-The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson (sequel to the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo)

-The White Queen by Philippa Gregory

-Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

-Love and Summer by William Trevor

-Friend of the Family by Lauren Grodstein

-Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages by Phyllis Rose

-Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum

-The Keep by Jennifer Egan

-The Book of Ruth by Jane Hamilton

-The True Story of Hansel and Gretel by Louise Murphy

-The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope

Thanks Christa!

I am currently reading 19th Wife..VERY GOOD!!!
I read The Help...also very good!


  1. Love the books. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is our current book club book. I have yet to get it.

  2. Hey, I noticed that you have a book on your awesome list called 'Those Who Save Us" and I thought I'd throw my two cents in... if that author also wrote "The Kind of Love That Saves You" or if you ever come across that title, I would not recommend it. It is a really well-written, engaging read.. I still think about the characters in that book, and I read it in the fall of 2000. I'm just glad I didn't read it while I was pregnant, or thinking of getting pregnant, or already had been pregnant... it's not the kind of book a woman of child-bearing age should read, I guess is what I'm saying, even though it's a great story. Great, now I've created a stir and folks will flock to get it and then blame me for reverse-recommending it just by saying anything at all! Argh! Well, anyway, I really love your list and thanks for sharing it. I'll certainly check out some of them. And I'm gonna have to find a book club, too. Woo hoo!
