Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just a Thought

I am not sure which comes first, a bad morning or a bad hair day? Having naturally curly hair that has decided to go wavy in certain areas and straight in others is prone to challenges. This being said, I have an arsenal of tools that help tame my burden.

This morning my arsenal failed me. After the blow drying phase of the morning, things went downhill from there. My hair was a FRIZZY mess.  What had gone wrong?  From then on I could not help but wonder, "Am I having a grumpy day because of my bad hair, or am I having a bad hair day because I'm a grump?"

 When I am not on my game everything seems harder. It means I crumble when my 1st grader comes to me with her 15 written as 51.  What is wrong with this girls teacher?  Of yeah, I am her teacher.

When my little guy spills his milk, like he does every day at lunch, I have to leave the room for a "Mary Moment".

On the way back to clean the milk I pass a mirror and have to decide if cleaning the milk would be more helpful, or another round with my flat iron.

All I can do is hope for a better hair day tomorrow, then all will be right with the world again.

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