Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Are Having Twins!!

Don't worry, I am unfortunately not the one having twins. The next best things is to have a cousin who is!! What a joy!

Having your first baby is so fun. Everything is new and exciting. You get to eat and not worry about your jeans feeling tight (yet). You get to sleep more and not feel guilty. You have to buy new clothes and new shoes to go with the new clothes, plus a new purse...oh yeah you are having a baby not a date! You get to use words like Mucus and Discharge and everybody can understand you and want to hear more. People ask you how you are feeling, truly wanting to analyze every new feeling (a chatty girls heaven)!

I have always wanted twins. I am all about saving time. Why not get 2 for 1! I am not patient person so being pregnant is like torture for me. I would prefer if the stick turned pink and the next weekend baby arrived. So far no luck for me. Instead I had Irish twins.

Jack and Lucy are 12 months apart. I got pregnant 3 months after Jack was born. Looking back I think I was pregnant for like 2 1/2 years. We had a baby born at 20 weeks, that baby Joey did not make it. We then got pregnant 2 weeks after loosing that baby. Had Jack!!! Three months after Jack I was pregnant again. And her name is Lucy. This picture is me about 1 week before Lucy came. Is it just me or is my nose
really big?

After all of that, plus Priscilla, I would still love to have twins. So far I can only make one at a time.
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