Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009

This has been a strange year for the Melnick's and so many other families that we know. The energy of our society is shifting and families are experiencing things that are challenging and scary. We all face challenges in our lives but it seems some people take a larger portion than others. However between all the struggling, worrying, planning and wondering life happens and this year life happened for us in a big way.

2009 brought many GREAT blessings that we are so grateful for. The most remarkable part of our year was having Priscilla Mae. We kicked off the year with a brand new baby!! How can you top that?

She has been just what this mama needed. She smiles at EVERYTHING. She makes us all laugh and she is EASY GOING. We don't get many of those types around here.

As I say good bye to another year and welcome in whatever 2010 has in store for me I can't help but to be hopeful for all the unknown that lies before me. I always have resolutions that seem to fade before the beginning of next week. But one of these years I want to run a marathon. I am hoping this is my year. I realize I need to do more than hope...I need to run like 500,000 miles to train. I just have to figure out how to fit more time into a day. Have a great night and thanks for coming back next year.

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  1. Happy New Year Melnick Family! Love reading your blog. I have it in my google reader so I get all the latest updates. I'm training for the March Oakland Marathon right now. This will be only my second one and the first was nothing to write home about. Anyway, you should definitely do one this year although, I baffled as to how you juggle 5 KIDS! You're a superwoman.



  2. I cannot tell you what a ball I had with ya'll celebrating NY eve last night. It was the best...thanks! Lucy is my new bff, she is a blast!
