Monday, December 7, 2009

Meet Joey

I am the "little sister" in my family. Joey had the misfortune to be my older brother. I was not exactly the type of sister he would have ordered. My brother is a bit more of the quiet type, the type that would rather die than be the center of attention. As you can imagine I am the opposite, I would rather die if I CAN'T be the center of attention....go figure!

But here we are, much older, him a little less quiet and me as "unquiet" as ever.

He is a wonderful father to now 3 kids. My baby niece Julia is 1 week older than Priscilla Mae. My nephew Ryan is 3, just like my Jack. And now I am the proud Aunt to Ben. He now leads the pack of these cousins. He is 10 and my brother's new son.

I always knew my brother was a good man. I could not be a more proud sister. I love you Jedi Joey!!!
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  1. Lisa,
    What a handsome boy Ben is and how lucky to have such a great dad (and mom) so soon after his mom died. You have a beautiful family.
    PS: Julie and Julia comes out on dvd today.

  2. Aw, what a great post! While it is odd to think of Colleen and Joe with a big family, it now seems like the most natural thing in the world. And after knowing Joey for almost as long as I've known Colleen, I agree that he is a fantastic guy and a great father. Ben & Ryan have a great role model in Joey.
