Monday, December 28, 2009

Still Christmas

This is truly the first week of Christmas break for us. Last week was filled with so much that I am feeling a bit hung over this Monday. It would have been nice if last week the kids took a break from needing to be parented. If they woke up and said, "Hey Mom, you seem like you might need to get a few things done, I'm good go about your business I'll be good." Talk about a Christmas miracle!

I loved every busy minute. I love to be busy. I love knowing that the many moments we are in are making up the memories my kids will cherish forever. It is not perfect. It is tiring and sometimes stressful but we do the best we can and ask for forgiveness for the rest.

One of the best parts of being Catholic is the liturgical calendar. Up until Christmas day we were in Advent. Advent is a time for preparing for the coming of Christ. Then Christmas day begins the season of Christmas...12 whole days!! We get to continue the celebration of Christ' birth for 12 more days. It makes so much sense to me. The baby Jesus is born and when babies are born there is a period of time that kind of stands still. The church is telling us to stand still and REJOICE in Christ. I am all about rejoicing...the standing still part always gets me.

These little people make it hard to stand still. And as you can imagine NOTHING was still here Christmas morning.
There was a level of chaos that rose beyond rational excitement. We survived and feel thankful that we get 360 more days
until the next round of Christmas memories are made.
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1 comment:

  1. Cute outfits! Glad you are surviving the holidays. I screwed up Christmas morning, its on my blog.
