Wednesday, December 30, 2009

OK...I have Been Doing A Little Bit More Than Watching Lost

I have been spending A LOT time these last few days catching up on Lost (and some good old fashioned cuddle time with Pete). But another addiction has plagued me. Let me explain. When I was visiting my friend she casually made an incredible dinner one night. Amongst steak and baked potatoes Jane put out the object of my new obsession. Asparagus in browned butter.

The recipe is simple enough, browned butter, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar....but the taste is amazing. I like asparagus (you cuss, I cuss, we all cuss for asparagus???). But this asparagus is amazing. Its is life changing and I can't stop thinking about it. I called Jane on Christmas Day and asked her for the recipe. She told me that browning butter is an art and the key to this recipe. I should have bowed out when she said art....being that I am NOT an artist. But I am in now. I have made more asparagus in browned butter over the last week that any person should admit to. I have even practiced browning butter for fun. I am giving it another try on New Years day. Wish me luck! I am dying to eat this and Jane can't make it for New Year's dinner.
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  1. Lisa, you are very funny! Call me while you're making it and I'll walk you through it. I know you can do it :-) P.S. it was a shock to open your blog and see my face staring back at me. My hair could use some Moroccan oil on it! Do you like the oil?

  2. I just got it today and I am not sure what I think. Let me get back to you in a few days when I have more data.
    We had another round of butter browning for lunch today. The kids are totally into it!!
    My thighs on the other hand????

  3. I grew up with browned butter on pasta shells! Still one of my favorites. Try it for the kids--they'll love it :-) How did New Year's Day turn out?

  4. This is a recipe that I've been using for years also and have passed on to many. Don't worry Lisa- it's all about just slightly shaking the pan until that magic moment when it all of a sudden turns brown. Then you just add the soy and vinegar and you're done. But I have changed it a little to make the 'sauce' still to the asparagus better. Instead of roasting the asparagus in the oven, put them in your biggest frying pan and saute them for about 5 minutes. When they are bright green but right before they are finished cooking, add the butter/soy/vinegar mix to the pan and let the asparagus cook for the last minute with the sauce. It'll stick to the asparagus better and give it a lot more flavor. Good luck!
