Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good Saturday morning. We woke up and did not feel like making breakfast. Really, we did not feel like cleaning up from breakfast so we allowed Waffle House to cook for us. Since we were out so early we decided to take a little Saturday road trip to a small town in Alabama called Grand Bay.

Grand Bay has this great little antique store called White House Antiques.She has a website that is great . Her prices are great and stuff is adorable. But when we see a rusted tractor sitting roadside we have to stop and stretch our legs.
I would like to think Lucy's hands are not always THIS dirty...however you never are sure what Lucy has gotten into. Looking at the filth on her hands can some times give us a clue as to her comings and goings. OK...those chubby little hands are the cutest thing I have seen all day, dirt and all.
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1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging, Lisa! It will be so fun to "see" the kids more often, but what about you and Pete? How are you guys faring after several moves and several more children?

    Emily is beautiful! She looks just the same as when we saw you guys last in 2005, but more striking if that is even possible. And Molly - I have always had a special place for that girl and it is wonderful to see her growing and changing. Of course, we've never met the other three but we think about you all. Hello to Pete and the gang, from Alaska!
