Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Would We Do Without Moms

I called Pete's mom as soon as Pete arrived at the hospital on Sunday. She was up in Mobile 7 hours later, even though it is a 8-9 hour drive. Mom to the rescue. She arrived here and got right into gear hugging, kisses away boo-boo's and helping to make the world right. One way you make the world right for little kids whose daddy is in the hospital is to bake cupcakes.

The day after surgery Pete was feeling pretty good. Today was a different story. The pain over took him and he was not doing well at all. As I mentioned in the last post, I am not that much of a patient advocate because I am usually gagging in the corner. So I did what all kids do. I sent mom in to get the job done. Pete was in bad shape and when his mom saw him she kicked into mama bear gear and got some folks moving. Thank God for moms. We tucked him in for the night and he was doing MUCH better. We will see what the morning brings.

On a lighter note. I think the door is officially closed on any nursing career I may have been dreaming of. You see every time after I have a baby I always think being a labor and delivery nurse would be so cool. Seeing happy moms and holding new babies seems so fun. I can do cheery. I can do baby holding. I think, however, the patients would struggle with a nurse who was queasy in the corner at the sight of any bodily fluid or function. And the beeping!!! Who can work with all that beeping. This contraption beeps ALL day and I do not think the nurses know why and they don't seem to care. And since we are on the topic of beeping, I could never work for MacDonald's either. The whole kitchen is beeping and none of the workers seem to realize it. So this day ends with several realizations , moms are great FOREVER, no future nursing career, no McDonald's job and I miss Pete and can't wait for him to come home.
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