Friday, September 18, 2009

I just love this picture of Jack. It is so hard to get a picture of him smiling and acting light hearted. He is such a good little man. I had to slip this in just to make me smile on my boy.
My brother and his baby girl. I think he was terrified to have a daughter because he remembered growing up with me and I don't think I was a picnic of a daughter. Julia is lucky to have a dad that is working so hard to keep her mommy home with her and her sweet brother. My brother and I could not be more opposite. I was this shy boys nightmare of a sister. Poor Joey! I am sure Ryan will fair much better

My Mom. We are all so lucky to have her as a Grammy to all 7 of her grandkids..

I am responsible for 5 of the 7, thank you very much. I am continually learning from her loving and patient heart. When I am with her I am reminded that mothering never stops , we all need our mommies even when we are mommies ourselves.
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