Monday, September 21, 2009

Running While Wondering

I have been running for about 15 years now. I've never considered myself a runner because I'm not that good at it. I have been motivated to lace up, however, during these past 15 years for a variety of reason . Mostly to lose about 100 pounds of baby weight gained from having 5 babies.

Outside of the weight loss issue, I run for other reasons. Two years ago Pete and I decided to live in the downtown area of Mobile. I must admit that this is a runner's paradise. I love running past the old homes that lie under the big old oak trees. I have to admit that I do not love running...I get bored. So I have to entertain myself and I have found that house gazing and porch watching helps me pass the time. As a result, I have become attached to some of the houses along the way.
Certain houses, particular doors and various entryways has my mind wandering about the family that walks up that walk.
In every placed that we have lived, I have grown attached to certain things along my runs. In Alaska, I used to run past one of the many jewlery stores in the downtown area. I would imagine a life where I could wear some of those pieces. A life where my jewlery did not end up in the dressup box with other priceless household items I could not live without.
Now, I get to imagine living in a house or town for another 3 years and wondering what color I would paint the door!!
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