Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who Ever Knows What The Weekend Will Bring?

2009 has been an interesting year for the Melnick's. We started in January with a huge blessing, baby #5 ,Priscilla. We then had the excitement of selling a house, renting 2 and having a fire change our lives. Since then things have been quiet around here . Just the everyday chaos of fun family life.

Pete decided to get his name in the headlines of 2009. Last night he started having stomach pain. Being the tough ex-quarterback helicopter pilot that he is he tried to shake it off. He decided he was not going to let it hurt. After an agonizing night in awful pain he decided he should haul himself in to the ER. We packed up the kids and I had to drop him off at the door of the ER. It was about 7:30 on Sunday morning. I had to leave him there alone as I drove off not knowing what was wrong. The nurse took one look at him and rushed him off to the secret confines of the ER where only the lucky get to go...or the unlucky. Driving away I panicked! What was I going to do? How was I going to take care of him when I had no one to help me take care of these 5 scared little ones? Seeing daddy sick was pretty hard on them.

I called my friends and got some babysitters to come over right away. I rushed back to the hospital and Pete announced he an Acute Appendicidis. They ran some further tests and found that his appendices had ruptured and he needed immediate emergency surgery. My adorable, happy, charming husband who has never had more than the sniffles in 15 years looked awful and felt worse than that. Phone calls were made, prayers were prayed and he went in for his surgery. The Dr. came out and said he was full of infection. He is pretty sick but he will be OK. Pete's mom came as soon as she heard her baby was in the hospital. When I told him his mom was coming he was so greatful. I don't think it matters how old you are, when you are sick you just want your mom.
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  1. Get well soon, Pete! We're praying for you here.

  2. yo sucka i hope you feel better your little bro and oh yea GO BULLS

  3. hey lisa i just signed up for a gmail acct so i can post on youre web site
