Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My First GIVE-A-WAY!!!

I have been reading a lot of magazines these last few days. Thanks to Pete's mom I have been able to be up at the hospital with Pete. He is still in pretty bad shape. Even though he is pretty sick right now I know he will be OK! He has an incredible amount of heeling to do. His entire digestive track was infected by the time his appendices was removed. He sleeps most of the day and is foggy the rest of the time. That has left me with LOTS of quiet time by his bedside. If anyone knows me then you know sitting still and quiet for long periods of time is very hard for me to do.

I am used to making lunch, teaching phonics, and stopping fights all while having this cutie on my back (you know leaping small buildings in a single bound and all that other super hero stuff). No, I am no supermom, I just don't like to be bored. Why else do you think I made 5 little people, clearly I like to stay busy.

Anyway, back to the magazines and being still and quiet. I started thinking about my fun blog that I have been writing. I am having the best time with it! I am greatful to everyone who spends time reading it.

 SO, I got to thinking, since it is almost October, and I am having so much fun with this blog , I need a little pick me up, and I love this babies smile I am having my 1st give-a-way. I am giving away the new cookbook by Pioneer Woman that is coming out at the end of this month. I have mentioned Pioneer Woman's website before several times. Her website has been the inspiration for my own. So, I am wanting all of you to get a chance to get her new cookbook as soon as it comes out.

This is what you have to do. Post a comment on this website telling me your favorite places to visit on the Internet. At 9:00 October 2nd I will count the total comments and then have Emily pick a random #. I will announce the winner Oct.3rd and then the book will be shipped from Amazon as soon as it is available. So, tell you friends, call your moms and let the most random person win.

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  1. Hey Lisa~ I'm sorry to hear about Pete and I hope he gets better REAL soon!
    I added your blog to my google reader which I just discovered and LOVE it! Now I get all the updates on all my favorite blogs (yours included : )
    I also added the Pioneer one too. Such a nice website. Give Pete my best!

  2. Okay, thanks to you I am also inspired and addicted to Pioneer Woman as well as many of my friends now. I also love Oklahoma Homeschooling but don't know their address because I get it on my facebook page, which I am ignoring these days because I am really enjoying blogging and look forward to doing more of it with you. Aren't you something with your giveaway! If I had to give something away, it would be my mom's dogs, ugh!

  3. Here are some of my very favorite places to visit. Most of these, I check every day:
    1. (our blog - gotta check those comments!)
    2. (former coastie family we met in Valdez, lots of Ak references, they're now in Texas)
    3. (my brother, SIL & niece)
    4. (handy and hilarious!)
    5. I also check the news: and and
    6. Then I play a quick game of ...
    7. Also I have to check in at work: and
    8. And I usually check this goofy website that I won't even list here because it is kind of embarrassing. It's about fashion and stars and sarcasm and criticizing said stars and their silly fashions... it's fun but again, embarrassing!
    Thanks for sharing Pioneer woman. I check in a few times a week. Luckily, I've got my own Marlboro Man, who's more like Paul Bunyan. :)
    Tell Pete we're praying for him! Also for you and the kids. Hang in there Lisa!

  4. anything that has to do with USF football are the websites i use fox if anyone else has any more websites regarding USF football please let me know

  5. Lisa you never do anything halfway! One week of being a blogger and you doing a sweepstakes....I am enjoying all your updates and pictures! How do you blog and paint furniture too? Please do some "how to tips" in the future.....I hope I win!
