Monday, November 30, 2009

And I am Off Again...

I have been a little absent lately and I am happy to tell you I am going to be absent again. Not that I like being unable to Blog...but I have been having a wonderful time. After having to attend my cousins funeral I stayed in Florida for another 2 weeks. I had LOTS of turkey, lots of shopping (actually lots of window shopping. What I am thinking taking all those kids to the mall is beyond me), fun nights with friends and family.

And because I am married to the most amazing man, and it is my birthday, and my friends daughter thought I would be a good Conformation sponsor...I am getting to go to Washington DC for 5 days without my sweet noisy little shadows!!!

I am going to wear white shirts, uncomfortable shoes and take a really long time eating every meal. I may even sit down while I am eating...who knows what I am capable of.

Pete is going to be a lone ship. He tells me after a long day of homeschooling Emily and Molly, having fun with the little ones, cooking and cleaning, folding and putting away laundry, he plans on running my Blog. I am not sure what is more exciting to me, the fact that I get to play a real grownup for 5 days or that he is going to make me laugh when I read about his adventures???

I can't wait to write about all the fun I had, am having and will have!!! Thanks for reading and come back and enjoy my guest blogger. I know I will!
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  1. Happy Birthday my friend!!! I miss you more than sugar in my coffee!!! Can't wait to see your pretty smiling face in person!!!! Have a safe trip, can't wait to hear all about it
    God Bless and Happy Advent!

  2. This is going to be so great... for you and us readers, anyway. Not so sure about Pete. Have fun everyone and travel blessings, Lisa!

  3. Happy B'day Lisa. Have a great time. I look forward to messing with Pete, lol.

  4. Happy Birthday! You look beautiful in all of the pictures but especially the one of you and Pete. Is that a new purse I see?

  5. Hi Lisa, Happy Birthday. Love the stylish new bag!!
