Sunday, November 8, 2009

Things I Hear All Day

Mama, I'm hungry...
Mama, Lucy spilled something....

Mama, Emily (fill in any name of your choice)...just talked rudely to me, hit me and left me for dead...and she/he does not even care.

Mama, I'm hungry!

Can I have a piece of chocolate?

Other than those sentences, there is lots of crying, laughing and other noises that don't seem to stop. So, when I don't return your call just know that I am knee deep in these moments that can be very loud and fun...all at the same time!
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  1. Lisa,

    I made my first meal from the cookbook I won on this blog. It was FABULOUS!! I have never had such a tender pot roast--oh my gosh. AND the potatoes! To die for! I think they are called PW's Favorite Potatoes? They are mashed with lots of "bad" stuff in them and then bakes. Really good. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for my gift!

  2. Jane
    I made the pot roast also. I loved not peeling the carrots. Her carrots looked so "rustic"...probably because she actually grew them. If only I could....
