Monday, November 9, 2009

Hurricane Ida

I heard on the news that we were having a hurricane today or tonight. Lately, I am not a news watching person. The reason being is anytime I sit down or show the least desire to do something guaranteed tragedy breaks out, and my attention is needed elsewhere. So, I gave up trying to keep current with things like the weather. I know it is raining because I get up at 5:00 in the morning and I can't go running  it must be pouring. And since I had Priscilla my rain proof running shoes don't fit anymore.

Anyway, it is starting to rain and it feels very cozy. I read on PW's blog that her cookbook is #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List. In her honor I am making her cinnamon rolls.  I know, most people prepare for a hurrincane a little differently.  Some get batteries and bottled water.  Others get a generator and some extra gasoline.  Not me, I grab my trusty assistants and start baking!

And because I am a little insane any time I know I am going to be trapped in the house for a couple of days I have been keeping myself busy. I ran to the store this morning with all my peeps and got some stuff to get by on over the next few days, in case Ida brings some issues.

Recently I have been obsessed with making Pesto. I absolutely love home made pesto. I think I finally got the right mix for me. I basically use:
2 cups of basil
1 cup olive oil
1 1/2 cup GOOD Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup pine nuts
3 garlic cloves
probably more salt than most (I am the only pesto lover at the moment so I can indulge, right?)
some pepper

I think most recipes call for less cheese. But the basil at our grocery store is not the most flavorful, so the cheese gives the pesto a richer taste.

Anyway, while Ida is here I plan to eat Pesto on anything that stands still and then finish off with some cinnamon rolls. And by the looks of this recipe I am going to eat cinnamon rolls for the REST of my life.

If anyone has a good pesto recipe, or a suggestion PLEASE post a comment so I can continue to perfect my Pesto making obsession.  Check back in for more hurricane updates.  I may decide to bake another pie!

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  1. I made her cinnamon rolls and YES it is a big batch. You may want to freeze some before icing or give them away. We did manage to *cough* eat all of them over a few days though.
    I'm still going through the book, earmarking recipes (almost all of them) I want to try. Her biscuits are VERY similar to mine, I may have to do something about that.

  2. PS: I did NOT care for her icing. It is great if you like the taste of strong black coffee. I stuck to traditional powdered sugar icing.

  3. About pesto . . . I just discovered this fabulous treat this past summer when I managed to bring in a bumper crop of basil from our own garden. I follow the recipe from Joy of Cooking which calls for only 1/2 cup cheese and 1/2 cup olive oil for 2 cups of basil leaves. We all like this very much tossed with homemade pasta--now there's something you can try, Lisa!

  4. Kathy,
    Thanks for the combo suggestion. I think home grown basil is stronger tasting than store bought. Did you plant the basil outside in the ground, or in pots? I want to grow some because basil. It is expensive and I use it for a lot of recipes. Is it hard to grow? Can I plant some now?

  5. I actually started it from seed last February, then put it in the ground mid-April after danger of frost. I had eight plants that survived and really prospered--way,way more than I could use. I have 12 pkgs of pesto (minus the cheese and pignoli which JoC says to add after thawing) in the freezer now (if you come up, I'll give you some :) ).

    Since you are in a frost-free zone, I don't know what to recommend for planting. But I'm sure you could find out at a garden store or online. The only hindrance I know of is frost, so my guess is you could get some starter plants or start some seeds now. It really is easy to grow.
