Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pete's Look-A-Like...just less hair!

I may have mentioned that Pete and I were friends in High School but after he left for the Academy we lost touch for a little while. One day while I was home for the summer I was working in a Mexican Restaurant. I had a family sit in my section and I walked up and looked at my newly sat table and thought, "These people look familiar." After some small talk and a drink order I figured out I knew their son Pete who was at school. But who was this other cutie sitting at the table? I would soon find out this is the "other" Melnick boy.

After falling in love with Pete I promptly fell in love with this guy...Robby!

Pete and I had an interesting start to our marital bliss. After some good old fashion family drama my new brother-in-law looks at me, while standing in his room playing his x-box, and says "So, I guess you are my sister now." That sentence touched my heart and made me fall in love with yet another Melnick. This time with my new brother-in-law, a boy who has grown into a great man, wonderful Uncle and incrediable husband.

It's great to be a Melnick!
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  1. That's so great, Lisa! Aren't inlaws wonderful? I was just on the phone with Greg's mom and on Facebook with his brother, thinking how much I love being a Lockwood. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Miss you all so much. Hope you had a great thanksgiving. Safe travels on your way home. Now how can I become someone besides anonymous?

  3. I finally figured it out so now I am officially a follower of your blog!
